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Now That's High-Tech!

Have you ever stopped to think about how easy life now is, thanks to the latest technology? We use computers to communicate, shop, and pay bills. We can "call" a taxi by tapping on our phone a few times. Technology has changed the way factories make their goods, and the way we get from place to place. It's transformed the world, and it will continue to transform the world. If you are interested in learning more about the wide, wide world of technology, then read the articles on this website. We think they're pretty engaging and contain information you'll enjoy having.


The Fundamentals Of mmWave Antennas

When it comes to mmWave antennas, there is a lot of misinformation out there. Unfortunately, you'll find that the misinformation seems to be more widespread than the truth in some instances. If you're in the market for mmWave antennas or you may need to use one, it's important to understand the facts about these antennas and the signals that they pick up. Here's a look at some of the things that you need to understand.

The mmWave signals can be disrupted by walls

You may have heard that your antenna won't read properly if there's a wall in the way. It's true. Walls can serve as more than just a structural barrier, especially if you're dealing with concrete or brick walls. The higher frequency results in waves that can't travel as far, which makes it easy to disrupt them. The wall can slow the transmission of mmWave signals and interfere with your antenna's reception. Consider the basics of any potential disruption from walls and similar structural obstructions when you choose the antenna you'll use and its placement.

The weather can be a factor

If you're dependent upon consistent mmWave reception, you need to discuss your needs with a technician to ensure that you get the most capable antenna possible. That's because rain, high humidity, and other weather systems that result in heavy, dense air can also disrupt mmWave travel. You need to take every possible measure to improve reception in these instances because the weather can be a hindrance.

The signal range is not as far as other signal types

One thing that you'll find with mmWaves is the fact that the high frequency actually results in shorter waves. Since the signal doesn't radiate as far, it's easier to develop interferences or disruptions. When you start looking for mmWave antennas, consider antennas with greater strength to better detect those signals. The stronger the antenna and the less disruption, the better the reception is likely to be, though you do not have to have line-of-sight to the towers to receive clear signals.

These are just a few of the things that you should know about mmWave antennas and the signals that they detect. The more you understand, the easier it is for you to get the right antenna for your application. Talk with a mmWave antenna supplier near you today for more information and guidance in choosing the antenna that you need.